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Piwik PRO

Source code Package Browser ES5

Piwik PRO is a European, privacy-focused web analytics and marketing platform that helps businesses track website traffic and user behavior.


Install the destination via npm

npm i @elbwalker/destination-web-piwikpro
import { elb } from '@elbwalker/walker.js';
import destinationPiwikPro from '@elbwalker/destination-web-piwikpro';

elb('walker destination', destinationPiwikPro, config);


Configure your PiwikPro destination with your App ID and URL.


const config = {
custom: {
appId: 'XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX', // Id of the site
// linkTracking: false, // Disable download and outlink tracking
url: '', // Same address as the login
mapping: {
order: {
complete: {
name: 'trackEcommerceOrder',
custom: {
// CustomEvent
goalId: 'xxx-xxx-...', // Count the event as a goal
goalValue: '', // Property to be used as goal value
data: [
fn: (event) => {
const total = Number( ?? 0);
const taxes = Number( ?? 0);
const shipping = Number( ?? 0);

return total - taxes - shipping;


appId*stringID of the Piwik PRO site
url*stringURL of your Piwik PRO account
linkTrackingbooleanEnables/Disables download and outlink tracking
pageviewbooleanEnables/Disables default pageview events

Properties with a * are required.


For custom event mapping (mapping.entity.action.custom):

goalIdstringID to count the event as a goal
goalValuestringProperty to be used as the goal value
namestringCustom name for the event
valuestringProperty to be used for the event value

If you need professional support with your walkerOS implementation, check out our services.