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Source code Package

The Firebase Stack is a wrapper for the  node client running on Cloud Functions for Firebase v2. The serverless function is designed to receive incoming walkerOS events via the HTTPS trigger, and send them to node destinations. It allows server-side data processing within an own infrastructure.


  • Event Ingestion: Receives incoming from clients via API.
  • Data Validation: Ensures incoming data meets predefined schemas and data contracts.
  • Event Processing: Enriches and transforms data before sending it to destinations server-side.

This stack is currently in beta. Please report any issues you encounter.


Read the official Get started guide for Firebase Cloud Functions, and install the Firebase CLI.


There is a demo setup for the Firebase stack available.

After creating a Firebase project, and a new functions code directory (e.g., by running firebase init functions) install the walkerOS Firebase Stack:

npm install @elbwalker/stack-firebase

In the firebase/functions/src/index.ts file, import the Firebase Stack and create a new instance:

import { firebaseStack } from '@elbwalker/stack-firebase';

const { elb, push } = firebaseStack({
// see Configuration

The firebaseStack returns the created node client instance, and two functions:

  • elb to configure the instance using node commands
  • push: A Firebase HttpsFunction function to export and deploy


Set up the Stacks behavior using node commands.

elb('walker user', { session: createFingerprint() });
elb('walker destination', { push: console.log });


Export the initially created push function with the name (here ingest) that will be the publicly available endpoints name. The push function accepts a HttpsOptions config.

export const ingest = push({ cors: true, region: 'europe-west1' });

To deploy the function run:

firebase deploy --only functions