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GTM Tag Template

The walkerOS tag template is part of the GTM stack. It allows easy integration of walker.js into a website. Once set up, a single walkerOS tag can load walker.js on all website pages via GTM. Besides it's own configuration, destinations and on-events can be registered.


The walkerOS tag template creates a new tag type in Google Tag Manager (GTM) that allows you to load walker.js on your website easily. Download and import it once:


The walkerOS tag template is currently in review for the official GTM Template Gallery. In the meantime, it can be imported manually.

To install the walkerOS tag template, follow these steps:

In Google Tag Manager, navigate to Templates on the left and click on New in the Tag Template section. walkerOS GTM Tag Template setup
step 1


There are multiple ways to load walker.js on a site.

Load walker.js

This option loads the walker.js script from an external source (jsDelivr). It's good for quick testing but refers to an external domain. A version can be specified. It's recommended to use a specific version starting from 2.1.0 walkerOS GTM Tag Template load CDN


There are three modes to start walker.js:

  1. Auto run: starts automatically when the tag fires.
  2. Require consent: waits until the consent state is granted before calling walker run. This uses the walker on command internally.
  3. Manual: won't do anything - it's up to you.


The default names can be changed to prevent eventual conflicts with other scripts or existing variables. Ensure the template's Permissions are updated to enable read/write access to the new names.


Tagging version

Specifying a tagging version helps manage and debug a setup by knowing the version used during measurement. After changing the setup, increase the version number.

User ID

This will set the value based on a variable. Both device and session IDs will be set in the Session section or via a custom on-event.


Add static globals that will be added to every single event.


Enabling the preview adds a destination that logs all events to the console.


Session detection, user identification, consent management, and race conditions are closely connected. Learn more about how to detect a session.

Enabling session detection will use the sessionWindow Util as a cookie-less version to eventually trigger a session start event.

Additionally, enabling the Storage uses the sessionStorage Util to persist data and enhance session information and user identification. As this might require consent, it's possible to add a Required consent for storage access.

This uses elbDeviceId and elbSessionId in the localStorage. There is a virtual rule to limit the age to 30 days for the device ID and 30 minutes for a session ID, which updates with each new run.


Destinations are used to send events to other systems. Using dataLayer will automatically send all events to the GTM dataLayer.

To add a destination, the Code is required, while Config is optional.

walkerOS GTM Tag Template destinations

Both Code and Config are User-Defined Variables. A destination code can be some custom JavaScript or a pre-build version. The config is a simple object that can be used to configure the destination.

On Events

On-events, listen to specific Trigger to execute Code. Use a User-Defined Variable with the Custom JavaScript type to create a Code function.

walkerOS GTM Tag Template on events

Read more about how to use the on events in general.

Get's called when a walker consent command changes a matching state.

The code has to be an object with the consent state as the key and the function as the value.

function() {
return {
functional: console.log,
marketing: function (instance, consent) {
console.log('Marketing', consent);

Only if functional or marketing stages change, the corresponding function will be called.

elb('walker consent', { foo: true }); // Won't trigger any function
elb('walker consent', { functional: true, marketing: false }); // Calls both functions

Typically, a Consent Management Platform will call the walker consent command with the consent state.


Hooks can be used to customize the default behavior of walker.js. A hook can be called before ( preHook ) or after (postHook) a specific event and runs a custom function defined in a User-Defined Variable. Each call signature is the same as the original function, see the  walker commands .

walkerOS GTM Tag Template hooks

Create a new User-Defined Variable with the Custom JavaScript type and return the function within a js-code block:

// Code for the preHook function
function () {
return function(params, event, data, options, context, nested) {
/// custom code

Learn more about the individual  function signatures.